How to stop Error message Pop up?

Can you show a picture ( there are many pop up boxes ).

Well there’s nothing to show, the message boxes dont close on there own, so evey time I get an error it just adds another pop up box to the stack
(To reiterate I understand I’m getting the error pop up box because of the code is brakeing and to stop the pop up boxes I need to fix the error/s.)
My issue is, can I turn them off and just show my the Message Log tab when I get an error

Anyone know how to stop these poppingup in the editor, I know it’s saying that something wrong with the code but when testing for fixes they pile up on oneanother


What error?

Sorry it’s not the error that I care about but just actual pop up message box

Did you find an answer to this m8? I swear they used auto removed themselves in the past, or at least with previous versions of the engine.

did you find a solution? it’s very annoying

I’m afraid I have not found a solution.

I really want a option to disable or set a timer for those popup messages. We already have a log window showing what the problem is, no need of this feature.

If anyone happens to be doing a source build you can edit the line in

Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\PlayLevel.cpp , ~L560

to comment out the notify call below to turn off the reminder but still keep the message log popping up :slight_smile:

// display any info if required.
FMessageLog(NAME_CategoryPIE).Notify(LOCTEXT("PIEErrorsPresent", "Errors/warnings reported while playing in editor."));

Im having an issue where on my new monitor these popups dramatically slow down render time (??). I’m hoping that’s fixed in UE5 (we’re still on 4.27)

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Confirmed no option to turn this off in 5.0 :frowning: