How to start a simulation before sequencer starts


I’m trying to render out a sequence for my environment. Im having an issue where when the recording starts, also my simulation starts. At the start of my simulation the cloth and wires are very bouncy, so Ideally I need to wait 5 seconds or so for the simulation to calm down.

I tried rendering custom frames, 600 -750, but it still started the simulation at 600.

I was wondering if there’s a way for the simulation to start from frame 0, but me to only render out frame 600 - 750 for example.

Hope this makes sense,


The thing you’re looking for is “Warm Up Frame Count”.


Just enter a “frame count”, not seconds, and the start of record will be delay for that amount of frames.

Check this documentation: [Render Movie Settings][2]

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Ah thank you!

I found the setting but it doesnt seem to be effecting the ‘movie render queue’ that im using.

I found it, thank you so much!

Found it where?
I can’t find this menu anywhere for Movie Render Queue


In MRQ you have to add the Anti Aliasing setting for those settings to show up. There are more warm up options under advanced.