How to split U and V in texture coordinates ?


i did a global material with every settings i need, but i have a problem, i can multiply the global size of a texture coordinate, but can’t access U and V size separatly, btw i want to add a parameter to set the UV Channel in my material too.
is there a way to do that ? the coordinates node have not input for that.

Actually i have to create severals master materials with differents U and V size and its a pain.

An another question, i try to optimize my scene and i wonder if there is a different performance impact by using simple or complex material.
I mean, if i create a Master material with a lot of parameters (wich i can disable if i dont need it), is it slower to compute for UE4 than a simple material ?

thank you

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Hey Fabilabo,
You can multiply TexCoord output by 2Vector, it’s like U * X and V * Y.
Basically you can treat UV node like 2Vector because it exactly what it is :slight_smile:


Seriously… why i don’t have tried that before ? you saved me a lot of time thank you very much !!
And for set the UV Channel, is there a way ?

thanx you mate

OK i understand why it didn’t work, when i convert constant2vector into a parameter because i need to access into my instance mat) i can’t connect it in multiply node, any help ?

ok if I got that right you want to make your texture coordinate into a parameter, right?
you can just make 2 parameter nodes and you ‘append’ them and then multiply with the UV texturecoordinate node.

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Ninja’d by HSbF6, but still :slight_smile:


hahah sorry zeorb; I think I had too much coffee this morning :smiley:

very nice thank you guys :slight_smile:

I’ve used component masks to split the U and V’s before. I had a texture that needed two orientations. Rather than rotating it in photoshop and increasing the number of textures, I used an R component mask and a G component mask on the coordinates. I used the append in reverse and got the rotated image.

Here are my most common methods for doing this:
Remember, modification of behavior can go far beyond simply tiling your UV Coordinates :slight_smile:



Note Some of these have already been talked about. I am simply showing a breakdown for further instruction.