I’m performing a “Programming Quick Start” Tutorial rom “Get started with UE4”: after creating C++ class Xcode is opening and starts indexing which takes about 3 hours. How could I speed up this process? Is there any way to speed up indexing except changing computer to the faster one?
My Mac version: Mac Os X Yosemite 10.10.5; Xcode version: 7.2.1; Unreal Engine version: 4.12.5.
Thank you in advance for any help!
Exact same issue. Takes hours to index my game. Once its gone through once it updates fine, but if the derived data is wiped I have to wait for hours again.
MBP 2.2ghz i7
El Capitan 10.11.5
Xcode 8 beta 3
UE 4.13
Indexing is also eating up 33gb+ on a blank game whose game folder is only 91mb.
I’m also having an issue with Xcode and indexing. I actually had macOS tell me it ran out of memory and had to shut down Xcode during an index; it was taking over 30GB of RAM!
Is there a way to disable indexing, or provide a download of the indexed data? I literally can’t work on my project on macOS with Xcode taking up all my system’s memory and running out of memory.
You can disable indexing by doing:
defaults write com.apple.dt.XCode IDEIndexDisable 1
(this works for me, but I think you do need to restart Xcode)
It’s very annoying though as this is a global settings, and I’d really like to have indexing working in general. I had to do it though as XCode took >40Gb of RAM before my machine ran out of space and crashed.
I’ve had a similar issue. My Mac Pro ground to a halt, I opened up the activity monitor and xcode and the kernal task had used so much memory I had a 40gb swap file running.
I’ve actually had to disable indexing as mentioned by EdwardMoyse below. It’s the only way I can get xcode to run.
Hello EdwardMoyse,
Thank you for your answer! This is unfortunate that this is the only way.
This worked for me too but is annoying. As I’m cross platform my workaround to lacking indexing is to have my Mac Code folder shared and edit the code from VS on my PC. Odd perhaps but it feels more productive overall.
I was thinking that 64GB of RAM would be enough but XCode is freezing.
Disable Indexing is the way to go for now.
With the latest Xcode 8.1 release, I’m not seeing indexing sucking up 50GB+ of Ram. It now stays below 2GB. Makes UE4 on macOS usable again!
With Xcode Version 8.1 (8B62), Xcode is no longer gobbling up RAM. My install holds stead at just under 2GB of RAM use while indexing. Indexing still takes a really, really long time, but at least Xcode isn’t causing the computer to run out of memory…
Same for me. I’m so thankful the update fixed this issue.