How to spawn particles only "after" another emitter is initialized ?

I’m trying to make a fire&smoke trail of a meteor using SubUV materials, but these particles will also be rendered even if there is no meteor exists, that is, they will also be rendered before & after the meteor’s existence. Eventually I have to give them an initial location and kill them with kill box…
I’ve tried Event modules but there is only few options, one of which usable is spawn, but that would only spawn particles at the instant of a meteor spawn, which means that would not be an option for a trail.

Is there any other way to close the trail emitter’s spawning when the meteor emitter does not emit a meteor? Or the only options lies in Ribbon type data? Cause I’m using a SubUV material and do not want to use a Ribbon, that would force me to create another material, which I don’t know what to do for such fire/smoke trail…