I have a PP material that i’m using as a ground scan effect to emulate sound waves illuminating the environment.
For example: A character running causes this PP effect to spawn at the location where the footstep sound occurs.
I have the material and I’m changing its values with a MPC, however I’m going to have to spawn this effect a lot and i’m wondering how to spawn multiple instances of it at any required location.
Currently the effect spawns, but if I attempt to change its location, it just moves the center of the spawn and the effect continues. i need to spawn it wherever there is sound and to start at the beginning of its effect… basically spawning a completely new effect.
I need them spawned at the same time. Using footsteps as an example, Imagine a group of players running, all of their footsteps need to spawn this effect at their location. The effect appears and fades. This doesn’t happen quick enough to spawn the effect per footstep. The effect needs to linger and because of this I need individual spawns of it.
Right now the effect spawns from a vector that I provide through the MCP