How to spawn an actor from a plugin


I’m working on a plugin and can’t seem to get it to spawn an actor for me. What I’m trying to do is the following :

  • MySplineClass is a class that has a spline component (made from c++)
  • I want, when I drag this into the editor, to spawn controller objects on each of the keys of the spline.

I’m currently stuck on spawning the actual controllers.
When I try to use :

    AMyGraphPoint *tempObject = UEditorEngine::AddActor(GetWorld()->GetLevel(0), AMyGraphPoint,ObjTransform);

I keep getting : ‘AMyGraphPoint’: illegal use of this type as an expression.

AMyGraphPoint is :

class AMyGraphPoint : public AActor


	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
		USceneComponent *OurRoot;

		void SetGraphPointPosition(FVector pos);

I’m not very experienced in c++ so there must be something obvious that I’m missing.

I’ve tried using SpawnActor and I end up at the same road block. There’s something I’m doing wrong in AMyGraphPoint.

Edit: I’m not trying to spawn a blueprint class. Everything is done in c++.

Figured it out.

			FVector const ObjLocation = FVector::ZeroVector;
			AMyGraphPoint* tempObject = (AMyGraphPoint*)GetWorld()->SpawnActor(AMyGraphPoint::StaticClass(),&ObjLocation);

How did you get GetWorld() in plugnin