Can someone please show me a 5-10 step tutorial for spawning an actor properly according to standard Unreal Engine methodology? Are actors supposed to be spawned from player controller, character or actor? Is there a ten minute tutorial on youtube that shows you how to spawn an actor at FVector (0,0,0) when a key is pressed?
void AriseCPPPlayerController::OnPlaceObjectPressed()
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.0f, FColor::Red, ("At least the F key press works! Now let's spawn an actor."));
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
FRotator myRot(0, 0, 0);
FVector myLoc(0, 0, 100);
//just spawn the god **** actor
AmySphere mySphere = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AmySphere>(this->GetClass(), myLoc, myRot, SpawnInfo);
//AActor* MySpawnedActor = World->SpawnActor<AmyWallSegmentCPP>(myWallSegmentClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation);
//AmyWallSegmentCPP* const SpawnedPickup = World->SpawnActor<AmyWallSegmentCPP>(myWallSegmentClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation, SpawnParams);
How would I get the above code to work at the most basic level of Unreal Engine C++? Let’s say from a keypress triggered from player controller. I’m trying, I really am, I’m so tired.
Are you sure that the actor isn’t spawning? Aside from the compiler error on line 13 from trying to assign a pointer to a value, it should spawn. Are you sure it’s not spawning an empty actor that just doesn’t have any visuals attached to it?
And like phil_me_up answered, first parameter of SpawnActor should be AmySphere::StaticClass()
U are calling this from the player controller so using this->GetClass() as first parameter will spawn another player controller.
The pre-requisite is that your actor is replicated. Please note that actors deriving from AActor are not replicated by default, so you need to add in their constructor:
bReplicates = true;
or within the editor you should flag your actor as “Replicates”. It is one of the properties in the details panel.
If you want to create your actor completely within C++, and you have only the StaticMesh and the Material in the Editor (this was my case), you can create it like this:
Also in this case the pre-requisite is that your actor is replicated. Same case for case 1.
If your actor is invisible client side, means you didn’t replicate it, or you didn’t set the position properly. Please note the SetWorldLocation call despite the fact you are already giving the location in the spawnactor command. For me it works only if I call explicitely SetWorldLocation
I am totally new to UE4 and C++. I really would like to know where to put this. I just want to create several actors when the game begins. Is there a C++ file which is called at first? No infos in the internet, I am searching for 3 days now.
A good place would be your GameMode class.
There is always just 1 instance of a game mode during gameplay, and it also only exist on the server during multiplayer games (which is resposible for spawning your actors)
If u want to spawn these actors when the game starts, u can use the StartPlay method
@phil_me_up could you give an insight on the idea behind “StaticClass” in EU4. In the templated function SpawnActor, we are already specifying the template type by AmySphere. Therefore we already say that we need an instance of this class. So what is a staticclass? Is it unreal way of saying an instance of the class?
Is it really that easy? or is this an obsolete solution? I’ve been trying for days to just spawn any object in any way, I will literally pay you to call me and walk me thru this.
now I can spawn things but they’re all at the same location as the first thing I spawn.
I’m also getting this error:
LogActor: Warning: FloatingActor /Game/StarterContent/Maps/UEDPIE_0_Minimal_Default.Minimal_Default:PersistentLevel.FloatingActor_0 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor's RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily
It means you didn’t declare a root component in your actor so it made one for you.
You just need to make a root component in your constructor:
// Setup root component
RootComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("RootComponent"));
// Attach your other component to the root (make it a child of the root component)