How to solve [Warning Imported bone transform is different from original] error?


I’ve been trying to fix this problem. I use maya for rigging and animation. The problem is when I import the skeletal mesh it’s ok, then when I import the animation ‘Warning Imported bone transform is different from original. Please check Output Log to see detail of error.’ will always pop out.

From the information I gathered, it usually the roots problem, but I’m already make the root at 0,0,0 position and there is value on the rotation too.

Could someone help me, please?

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This is the warning that you don’t have to worry a lot about if the outcome looks what you expect. It does warn because the way we import and the way we transform doesn’t always match with 3rd party program, it is just a warning for you to check make sure it looks fine. Some of those errors are trivial, but the threshold to check warning can depend on your mesh size or so, it is not easy to add reliable to cause visual glitch. However, I didn’t want to just remove it because I think it is important for the author to check the content if this happens.



Thanks for replying, it just whenever this warning comes out. The animation that I want to import is mesh up. The character is lying down, the animation still can be played, but the skeletal mesh that I imported is standing.

I though it have to do with the warning.

In that case, yes it does have something to do with it.

Do you have any non-uniform or negative scale? If so, it can contribute that because the way transform works in our side.


For anyone reading this, the negative scale on my bones was why I was getting the warning, and why my imported skeletal mesh looked completely off after importing.

What I did to fix this is reset scale on my root bone. You can do this in 3ds Max by selecting your root bone, then navigate to the hierarchy panel → pivot button → adjust transform rollout → reset → scale button. You can also do it in a script by calling ‘ResetScale $RootBoneName’

What if I’m in Maya and my root bone has no negative scale? :frowning:

Hi ninthtale,

This issue has been resolved. Since your issue may not be related and we need more information to determine the cause of your specific issue, please post a new question and describe in detail (with screenshots if possible) what results you are seeing and what steps we can follow to reproduce on our end, along with what version of the Engine you are working in.


Hey fellow devs I, Finally solved it! its 1:40 AM and I have to get up 6 O’ Clock but I solved it.

The error is not the problem if you animations are in a different rotation then your skeletal mesh.

Go into Object mode in blender, click on your skeleton, and then go object next to the object mode selection widget, and go to apply and apply rotation.

Click on you mesh in object mode and do the same, then re export and your problem is solved XD !!!


Sadly that didnt solve the problem for me. Exporting from blender as well. Main skeletal mesh totally fine, animations , all empty and tons of bone transform error messages in UE. I dont have a clue what to do.

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Ok, what solved the problem for me is that i had the wrong world scale in Blender. I needed to change the metrics to 0.01 units and scale my mesh 100 times, after that. And aply transforms on both mesh and armature. After that everything worked like a charm.

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What solved it for me was to make sure your root joint has no parent. Mine was parented to a group and somehow that causes the weird 90 rotation.

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I removed the root parent & it solved the prob.

Hi, this isnt related to to the question that was asked. But i need some help and i don’t know what else to do…
Its about an animation that doesnt work when the game is played in the animation blend space it looks all good but in game the lower half of the character doesnt animate like its supposed to. Heres the link…

Paragon Character flying animation is messed up lower half doesn't animate - Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums.

Hi, this isnt related to to the question that was asked. But i need some help and i don’t know what else to do…
Its about an animation that doesnt work when the game is played in the animation blend space it looks all good but in game the lower half of the character doesnt animate like its supposed to. Heres the link…

Hi all,
Here’s what worked for me (Working in Blender):
a) Setting scales to centimeters in blender with unit 0.01 and when exporting (FBX screen) scaling mesh back 50 time.
b) Applying transform (CTRL + A) in object mode for both Object and Armature.
c) Changing name of armature from “Armature” to any other name. Apparently UE4 doesn’t like that name.
d) When exporting - exporting all (not just selected) and then hitting “Export All” when importing to UE4.

I played with it for like an hour until I found the right setup, but it works eventually.
Hope that helps and thanks to all the users who posted !


Hi all,
Here’s what worked for me (Working in Blender):
a) Setting scales to centimeters in blender with unit 0.01 and when exporting (FBX screen) scaling mesh back 50 time.
b) Applying transform (CTRL + A) in object mode for both Object and Armature.
c) Changing name of armature from “Armature” to any other name. Apparently UE4 doesn’t like that name.
d) Lower the poly count with “Limited Dissolve”.
e) Changed bones from B-bones to Octahedral.
f) When exporting - exporting all (not just selected) and then hitting “Export All” when importing to UE4.

I played with it for like an hour until I found the right setup, but it works eventually.
Hope that helps and thanks to all the users who posted !

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THx!!! I resolve apply rotation in Object mode in positions when animation is.

Thats amazing that worked for me even though in blender the scale said that everything was normal when i applied all transforms it worked for me.

This is literally the only thing stopping me from importing any animations successfully.

what does this mean in english? I’ve solved the problem of the mesh not appearing in the animation in the first place by making sure the scale was set to 0.01 and the LENGTH was CENTIMETERS, but it wont move as the stupid engine keeps insisting that the rotation is not the same despite applying all transforms in blender.

LogFbx: Warning: IMPORT TRANSFORM ERROR : Bone (body:0)
Source Global Transform (0.000000,0.000000,-1.597625|-90.000000,0.000000,90.000017|100.000000,100.000000,100.000000),
Converted Global Transform (0.000000,0.000000,-0.015976|-90.000000,-0.000009,90.000017|1.000000,1.000000,1.00

Its just incredible how frustrating and non straightforward Unreal is despite coming a long way with blueprints. I can see why so many developers sued epic early in UE3’s life cycle. It wasn’t because of a lack of documentation, it was because they had to pay money to experience tiny errors like this completely breaking assets:

changing the scale messes up the animation from blender to unreal … leaving it as it is does the same

when you change the scale to 0.01 … your animation will look on in blender but when you import it to unreal it won’t work … just open the animations one by one go to your key frames and reapply them with the new scale