Hey, sorry for the bump but what worked for me, though very simple, I didn’t realize quickly, was simply choosing the correct mannequin. I imported some youtuber’s free animations and chose the skeleton to be the UE5 mannequin but as it turns out, they were made for the UE4 mannequin. After I found that out I imported them but assigned them the UE4 mannequin instead of the UE5 one and they work perfectly. Now I just have to retarget them which in UE5 takes like 3 clicks. Hope this helps anyone.
OK so I know this thread is really old, but since I had this issue too, I thought that maybe it could be helpful to give my take on this.
You don’t necessarily need to go in a 3D modeling software to fix this, you can do it inside Unreal. So, just open your animation sequence and in the details search for FORCE ROOT LOCK, and tick it.
This solved it for me, everything is in its correct position. And it’s way quicker.