How to smooth out spline tangents after offset rotation?

Hello. I am trying to make a road tool and have hit a snag with offset rotation.

A brief overview of my system is, the road actor has a spline, and then each child actor of the road (sidewalk, asphalt etc) offsets its own spline from the original spline using many points for accuracy so that a road may be created.

The problem: when I roll the spline of the raod, the tangents become out of sync with the general direction of the spline causing the staircasing in the picture.

Any idea what operations I can perform on the tangents to smoothen them out? Code below.

            // Create offset approximate spline
            for (int i = 0; i < NumSegments; i++)
                float StartDistance = SectionSpline->GetDistanceAlongSplineAtSplinePoint(i);
                float EndDistance = ((i + 1) > (NumSegments - 1)) ? StartDistance : SectionSpline->GetDistanceAlongSplineAtSplinePoint(i + 1);
                float CurrentDistance = StartDistance;

                // Calculate number of subdivisions of spline.
                int NumPoints = CalculateNumberInNumber(EndDistance - StartDistance, 500.f); // Number of 500's in segment length

                float PointLength = (EndDistance - StartDistance) / NumPoints;

                for (int j = 0; j < NumPoints; j++)
                    FTransform Point = FTransform::Identity;

                    if (j == 0)
                        // Add the start point of each segment.
                        Point = SectionSpline->GetTransformAtSplinePoint(CurrentSegment, ESplineCoordinateSpace::World, true);
                        // Add Subdivision points.
                        CurrentDistance += PointLength;
                        Point = SectionSpline->GetTransformAtDistanceAlongSpline(CurrentDistance, ESplineCoordinateSpace::World, true); // Use scale, or else.

                    FVector LocalOffset = Point.TransformVector(ElementData.Offset);
                    Point.AddToTranslation(FVector(LocalOffset.X, LocalOffset.Y, LocalOffset.Z));

            // Use positions on approximate spline and tangents from [road]Section spline to create final spline.
            for (int i = 0; i <= NumMeshes; i++)
                int Index = (i < GeneratedMeshes.Num()) ? i : i - 1;
                float SegmentAlpha = GeneratedMeshes[Index].MeshLength / SplineLength;

                FTransform CurrentPoint = SplineComponent->GetTransformAtDistanceAlongSpline(CurrentDistance, ESplineCoordinateSpace::World, true);

                FVector Tangent = SectionSpline->GetTangentAtDistanceAlongSpline(CurrentDistance * LengthFactor, ESplineCoordinateSpace::Local) * SegmentAlpha;

                Arrives.Add(Tangent); // arrive tangents
                CurrentDistance += GeneratedMeshes[Index].MeshLength;