I really need help understanding the basics of setting up 2 players and controls for local multiplayer for my game. I’ve tried the Unreal Tutorials but they are very fast and leave too much out to the point where I can’t understand them.
Mostly, I was confused by the first video about testing network connections - I could not setup my multiple windows like he did, I have no idea how to toggle windows like he did, and for testing from outside the editor, I could not figure out how to set up the target window commands because he showed them in notepad instead of in the properties window directly so I can check if I did it right. (I’m sorry if this seems like complaining, I’m not complaining, I just really want to learn this stuff and I can’t keep up with the video) Although I think these tutorials are for non-local (sorry I don’t know the networking term) multiplayer only
Can someone please help me understand local multiplayer? Thanks!