Allow me to use someone else’s structural diagram
+ Plugins
+ MyPlugin
+ Source
+ Developer
+ Module1
+ Module2
+ ......
+ Editor
+ Module3
+ Module4
+ ThirdParty
+ Module5
+ Module6
The file is structured like this.
Generate VS project files gives me an error when I add the relevant module to .uplugin:
Exception while generating include data for ProjectEditor: Could not find definition for module 'Module1', (referenced via default plugins -> Plugins.uplugin)
When I move the module to the top level folder, it works fine.
+ Plugins
+ MyPlugin
+ Source
+ Module1
I’m sure I’m doing something wrong somewhere, but I don’t know what it is, so I’m asking for help.
The modules all have .Build.cs / Module.cpp.
Module.cpp has also added the
IMPLEMENT_MODULE(FDefaultModuleImpl, Module1);