How to Set Up Multiple Cameras To View different things

Hey Everyone,

I had a question about setting up multiple rendering cameras and being able to view them all at once. I am working on a project that will require me to view an object from multiple angels all at the same time.

  • List item One for my pilots view
  • List item One right under my vehicle
  • List item One Down the leg of my vehicle
  • List item One to view my vehicle landing (Like a gods eye view)

Is there a way to set this up? I’m still very new to Unreal so excuse me if this is a novice question.

There are a couple of ways of doing this.

You can use the built-in split-screen multiplayer functionality, and spawn multiple players that all end up being located at the same spot (you tie them together in your Pawn setup somehow.) They can then aim the camera in different directions. This has the benefit of using top-level “split screen” support, but may be clunky in that you have to synchronize the location of all the player pawns.

The other option is to create a few RenderTarget assets, and then creating SceneCapture cameras that specify those RenderTarget assets, and then add some UI that displays the contents of these RenderTargets (used as textures in an unlit material.) This has the benefit that you can lay out the screen using the UI tool, but it has the draw-back that the main viewport will be rendered across the entire screen and then each individual second view will be put on top, which may or may not work with whatever layout you’re envisioning.

You may also be able to re-use the split screen support from multiplayer to simply use multiple cameras for a single player, but that will almost certainly require C++ development to make work, and I haven’t tried it so I have no idea how hard it would be in practice.

Maybe there are other ways, too? There’s so much in this engine, you have to spelunk for a bit and search for different keywords in the source to find the bits that might help. It’s something I have to practice as a skill all on its own to make my way across the code base …

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