First thing to note is that I was not able to figure out a way to set up any flare whatsoever. Since I needed to apply a flare to a single light, I figured I’d use a Post Processing Volume, however no Lens Flare setting had any effect which tells me that I missed some crucial setting.
So from the basics, how does one set up a lens flare using a post processing volume. AND/ OR how can one set up a lens flare for only one light out of several in the scene.
thank you.
Hey TobiasRipper -
To set up Lens Flare with a Post Process Volume, add the volume to you level and insure that unbound is toggles true. Then go to Lens Flare section and set the intensity to 16 (you can adjust this down later but it helps see the setup). This alone should allow you to see some generic lens flare if you want to use a specific shape you can set the BokehSize to 10 and add one of the Bokeh textures provided in the Engine Content (in content browser >> view options >> show engine content) or one of your own making. Finally the Tints adjust the colors of the lens flare effect moving from light to camera.
As far as only working on one light, that is not directly possible but you can adjust the intensities of lights to have one particular light appear to have more lens flare than the others. If there is a limited space in which you can confine both light and player then you could use a Post Process Volume not set to unbound and make the volume fit the space you want to see the effect in, but if any other lights or emissive elements come into that volume they too will have lens flare. Finally you could fake lens flare with a particle system built to mimic the lens flare effect.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Thank you for the single flare suggestions. I also realized that my flares werent showing up because I was not running “Effects” option in Settings > Engine Scalability Settings on High