How to set the material quality level via blueprints?

In my quest to continue optimizing my game, I’ve been looking at material quality switch nodes. They seem to work great, the only issue is I’m not exactly sure how to change this on the fly? Is it controlled by the detail mode setting? (if so, this did not seem to work when attempted.) The wiki did not really say if it was controlled by the detail mode or not, although it seems like it would be. Using the detail mode commands did not change anything, though when I switch it via Settings -> Material Quality I can see the results just fine.

How do I change the material quality level, either by a blueprint node or by a command?

nvm, found it. It’s r.MaterialQualityLevel - would be nice if that was added to thewiki page in that section! Noticed it was listed under the Effects Quality part though too.

edit 2: I’ve noticed that sg.EffectsQuality isn’t actually applying any of the commands associated with it, eg. r.MaterialQualityLevel. This is in 4.12 so not sure if it was something that’s been fixed.