As an experienced C++ programmer but newbie to Unreal 4 - I have just completed the How To UMG tutorial but want to work out how I would set the game mode back to normal having set it to my menu based controller. It seems like there should be a ‘Set Game Mode’ blueprint action - all I can find is how to get the existing game mode as described in the tutorial.
Many thanks in advance and sorry for what will turn out to be such a lame question !
You can’t set a game mode in a blueprint because the game mode would already be active when any blueprint code is run - and you can’t change the game mode of an active map without reloading the map.
Game modes are level specific. If you’ve got your level open, go to the world settings tab (you may need to enable this in the window menu) and change it there. Or you can change the project default setting in the project options - if this is how you did in the first place. There’s also an option on the dropdowns somewhere (the big buttons like compile, etc.) I forget exactly which one has it.
Thanks for replying so quickly - I think I am getting my head around Game Modes now. So the question is - from the tutorial example - how do I return to being able to move around the level and ditch the HowTo_UMGGameMode settings having used the menu to start a new game ?
Thanks for your patience - Its tricky asking a question when you don’t know the question ! - The tutorial gets you to produce the blueprint above. What I want to figure out is what do I do once I click the play game button - do I create a new world class ? and select it in the Change Menu Widget ?