How to set actors' visibility per camera?

In the context of rendering to texture with a Scene Capture Component 2D, I am looking for a way, preferably in Blueprint, to make some actors visible to certain cameras (player) and invisible to others (render to texture).

Although the question has been asked a number of times on AnswerHub, I haven’t found a satisfactory answer yet.

This could be as simple as calling SetVisibility from the Blueprint of the capture, but I don’t see what events I could use. Also, a stateless solution would be better.

HI Julien,

There are two methods on USceneCaptureComponent that are both Blueprint-callable:

  • HideComponent (hides a specific component)
  • HideActorComponents (hides all components owned by the actor).

If working with a capture actor rather than a capture component, you should be able to call them via the CaptureComponent2D member of the capture actor.

These control hiding/showing things for the scene capture. If you want to prevent things from being drawn for a particular player during normal rendering, then you can either add to UPlayerController::HiddenActors or implement/override BuildHiddenComponentList, UpdateHiddenActors, or UpdateHiddenComponents, depending on your specific needs. These aren’t currently exposed to Blueprints, but it would be easy to do so in a game-specific blueprint function library or UPlayerController subclass.

Michael Noland

Answer is on the spot, thank you.

Hi Julien, do you have any objection if we anonymously copy this question/answer over to the public Answerhub? Thanks

Hi Stephen, sure, go ahead.