How to set a font on a textblock in widget ?

Can we change the font on a textblock in widget with the designer / or in blueprint?

Hello ,

If you would like to change your text block font you will need to go to the appearance section and click on the drop down arrow for fonts. There you will see “Font Name” from here you will simply replace the name (in this case Roboto-Bold) with another font name that can be found here:



Hope this helps.


And i can add an other font in this directory ?

Because i can change the font with the one already in, i tried DroidSansMono it work

but when i add some ttf, i try them, and it dont change at all, the default font replace it

anything i have to do when adding custom font?

Ok the font work now i created two folder Slate/Fonts in my project Content folder and put the font here

i dont understand what does the “saved” folder but putting only the font here didnt work at all

should i let a copy of my custom font in this “Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\Engine\Content\Slate\Fonts” folder too ?

Hello ,

No, I do not believe that will be necessary. I am glad you have things working correctly.