I have a custom event that only executes on server and inside the event I would like to send back the result message to a specific player to be display on his screen. How could I do that?
well what you can do is to call your event from the player controller and pass a reference on your custome event, so when it runs on server, you can trigger a fuction in your player controler using this reference.
hope it’s clear enought and that it helps
Hi there, (sorry expose, had already put this together ) so here we go, this is all you need:
The PlayerController runs on the owning client and on the server. So this is the place to put your replicated Event.
So you just need to create the MessageReceived EventDispatcher.
Your Widget with the TextBox: The widget just needs to listen for the Shout-out from the PlayerController when a Message arrives, so here we go:
happy to help, Marooney
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Ok finally got it working. The server event that needs to send message to client was in player character blueprint so I had to pass a player controller reference into the event and call the player controller’s message received function.
Thank you!