How to send a request before join a session?

Hi, iam working on a multiplayer game with steam advanced sessions (listen server) in ue4.26. Joining sessions works like a charm, but how can i do, that the user who want to join need to request/ask before he can join?

For example, P1 create a session and P2 want to join. P2 is clicking on the match in the list and send a message to P1, who can accept or not.

Is that possible or is the only way to control that with a password to lock the session?

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Anyone can help?

Check out online beacons. Before joining, initialize a client beacon and communicate with the host.

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Oh wow this actually exists, thank you I learned something today.

Thank you, i will take a look at this - i got no idea, how that work in blueprints… my workaround was:

  • new player join the session, but is invisible for others
  • wait for the response of the host
  • if the host accept, then add the player to the player list in the game lobby

Its working, but of course not a good solution.

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