My player will be able to place (pretty small) things in the world. and instead of making the meshes bigger( they are placed at a grid with stepsize 1) and having to multiply everything with like 20 so it’s still on a grid and all( and dividing again by that scale whenever needed) I “just” wanted to shrink the player so that eg a 1x1x1 cube is around the size of an apple or something.
So I’m using the VR-Template and I want to scale the player down. I googled and found “set world to meters scale” but that doesn’t work - “Set world scale 3D” on the DefaultSceneRoot or VROrigin and “Set actor scale 3D” don’t work either.
the world to meters scale shrinks my player but the hand stays at it’s size and hovers like half a meter above me with a scale of 10( though the controller position seems to be kind of inside the headset, as the placed placeholders are visible when I take a step back).
The other 2 methods have similar problems, either the hands are off or too small or both or it just doesn’t work…
I hope you understand what I’m trying to do and have any idea. Thanks in advance
(PS: I’m using blueprints so would be nice to stay with that for now)
I have done this kind of implementation before. Although I have only implemented the player growing big, i.e. Setting “World to Meters Scale” greater than 100. I think it should work when you are making the player smaller too. I will walk you through it via an example.
I set the “World to Meters Scale” to 2000, i.e. everything is 20 times smaller (The VR player is 20 times bigger). Here I multiplied the scale of the motioncontrollers by 20. It worked fine for me.
Now in your case, if you want to make the player small, you can divide the scale of motioncontrollers.
e.g. If “World to Meters Scale” is 50, you divide the scale of motioncontrollers by 2, (100/50, i.e. Normal scale divided by your scale).
the problem still is(at “New Scale= 10” and “New Scale 3D = 0.1;0.1;0.1”) that for some reason the handmesh floats like 2 meters above me( though the “ghost” for spawning an object is kind of sync with my RL-controller). But the other problem arising form that solution is that everything seems to float with me - I spawned a cube and wanted to look at it from another side but it seemed to move along with me, just less. So now I’ve just implemented a way that if I want to change the scale I “tell” all actors to update their size and scale themself accordingly. might not be the best way, but it works for now