How to Scale a UI to Different Screen Resolutions?

I would like the UMG screens that I am making to scale properly between different screen resolutions. I am targeting the following resolutions:

2160p (4K): 3840x2160
1440p (2k): 2560x1440
1080p (HD): 1920x1080
720p (HD): 1280x720

The recommendation is to start with a Custom resolution of 1280x720, and the UMG should scale up. But I find that is not happening. It works fine on 1080p, but the 4k mouse is off-target. The 4K UI works, but the mouse pointer is scaled to a different screen location.

I have a 2K monitor, but haven’t tested yet. I’m focusing on just the 1080p and 4k so far.


Did you change the Render Transform to achieve the desired scaling?

Wouldn’t you put the UI in a scale box as the main container inside your panel?

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I have tried this, but it’s not working.

It seems like it should be the solution though.

I think I’m just going to make a screen for each resolution that I’m targeting, then load the appropriate screens based on a Settings Menu selection.


My UI resolution testing process is this:

  1. I open the game from the executable icon in the Windows folder.
  2. The game opens in the 1080p monitor by default.
  3. The UI works fine in 1080p.
  4. I use the command, r.setres 800x600w to resize.
  5. I move the resized game window to my 4K monitor.
  6. R.setres 3840x2160f
  7. The 4K UI is off-target.