How to save score after desytroyed


I am trying to save my coin count so when my player is killed it respawn and keeps the number but instead it is setting back to zero.

All data dies tohether with object, so keep persistent data somewhere more persistent, i think in your case PlayerController would be the best place as you got player related data

So i have a respawn on my gamemode do i put that data in my gamemode or do i make another blueprint.

I just copied the respawn off the unreal documentation

But respawn has nothing to do with it, just keep it somewhere where it will be persitent and thats it, GameMode is good too, but if you would have multiplayer game if you would want to keep coin number for each player you would need to keep it in PlayerController so each player would have coin counter,there always only one copy of GameMode in memory (well you could spawn another but it makes no sense) so you would have only one coin counter