I have a data table which I populate at edit time using:
MyDataTable->AddRow(MyStruct->ComponentTags[0], MyData);
and then I want to save it using something like:
UPackage::Save(MyDataTable->GetPackage(), MyDataTable, RF_Public | RF_Standalone, MyDataTable->GetPackage()->FileName.ToString().GetCharArray().GetData());
But because the MyData struct is apart of a specific class, and contains pointers to uproperties in that class, I can’t save it. I get this error:
Can't save MyDataTable.uasset: Graph is linked to object MyDataActor (Referenced because it is an archetype object) in external map
Any way I can get around this? I really don’t want to have to save my data to CSV or some other format and do a bunch of conversions if I can avoid it.