How to rotate 90 degrees the Texture Sample?

CustomRotator node is what you are looking for. Give .5-.5 for rotation center and .25 for angle.


Hi there!
Sorry about this noob question, but I tried searching for a solution for it with no success.

I would like to know if there is any node in the Material Editor that can rotate a texture sample 90 degrees. I thought that the TextureCoordinate would do that, but it seems it does not.
If there is no option for it in the material editor, is there any other option besides changing the original texture file?

Thanks a lot!


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The node CustomRotator can be used for this :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! That´s exactly what I was looking for!

Hey guys, slightly struggling with this, I’ve got to this point, but when I plug in the rotated values into the customised UV0, my image is just drawing black.

I am trying to rotate the whole image 90 degree’s anti-clockwise.

You need to plug the Rotated Values output of the CustomRotator to the UV input of your texture, not Customized UV.

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Ah yeah, thought it might be, annoyingly that won’t work because of the math of the UV’s is worked out below. I’ll find a work around! Cheers

it doesnt work ples help :(((

What doesnt work exactly? Post a screenshot of your material setup please.

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thx for answering… sorry it took so long to answer…
basically i did everything said but it still wont rotate :frowning:
did i do somethin wrong?

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It looks fine, but i think you want to rotate the texture constantly? If that’s the case you can use a Rotator node instead.

im trying to create asphalt

If you are still trying to solve this you should rotate the mesh via landscape spline settings instead of the texture.

CustomRotator can be used for this indeed, note that additionally the CustomRotator will need to have the UVs input connected to a Texture Coordinates node or “TexCoord”


very useful
thx !


I have a carpet tile (500x500mm) that needs to be laid down at random 90 degree angles to create the desired pattern on my office floor mesh. How do I get a bitmap to randomly rotate by 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees (nothing in between)? Can this custom rotator be used somehow?

The easy answer would be to put the rotation angle as a parameter, and making your floor tiles a blueprint, so you could choose randomly through BP scripting. is it viable for your situation?

Tnxs , this helped me a lot!

Thank you!