So I wonder if there are some decent tutorials on that topic, on how to model and texture streets with edge blends to the terrain. how to attache sidewalks to it. what I’m searching for is a NON LINEAR method, i know how it would work with modular pieces in a blocky way. but how about long curved and wedged streets. how do you go about intersections that heave different street sizes attached to it.
I’m looking for a kind of gta 5 look. I’m not trying to say that I’m trying to make anything near gta5 I’m just curious what techniques where used for all these streets and intersections. Are they model individually and than brought together? and how come all these texture-blends don’t repeat that much while driving on a street?
There are many ways of doing this. if you own the game(gta5), there a application (google it) for look into the files for the meshes and textures, you can use it for learn how they build each piece of the world. I look the content but unfortunately my english isn’t good enough for a good explanation.
They make individual pieces, non-repeat can be doing in materials, some materials in the EPIC materials content samples using tricks for “non-repeat” check…
GTA5 use too meshes (planes) on the road mesh for markings/stains.
As a road engineer, I’ve figured out there are no efficient ways to do this. What I chose to do is build all the roads outside UE4 and import them as static meshes.