How to resume playable mode after playing replay video ?

#include "ReplayGameInstance.h"

	RecordingName = "MyReplay";
	FriendlyRecordingName = "My Replay";

void UReplayGameInstance::StartRecording()
	StartRecordingReplay(RecordingName, FriendlyRecordingName);

void UReplayGameInstance::StopRecording()

void UReplayGameInstance::StartReplay()
	PlayReplay(RecordingName, nullptr);

Hello there, I am using replay system for my game but the issue I am facing after the replay video finishes the game stays still. It does not resume to playable mode so I cant play game again.
If anyone know how to solve this issue then please provide me with some code or with any sort of example. It will be very useful.

Thank you

Did you figure this out by any chance?