How to resolve "unresolved external symbol FMassSpawnedEntityType::GetEntityConfig" error?

I’m try to use FMassSpawnedEntityType::GetEntityConfig in a C++ plugin. That method is from the MassSpawner Module here. So in my Plugin.Build.cs I added "MassSpawner" to the PrivateDependencyModuleNames but I get error:

LNK2019 unresolved external symbol “public: class UMassEntityConfigAsset * __cdecl FMassSpawnedEntityType::GetEntityConfig(void)” (? GetEntityConfig@FMassSpawnedEntityType@@QEAAPEAVUMassEntityConfigAsset@@anonymous_user_9674a66c) referenced in function “…”

Any idea how to resolve?

I’m still not sure how to access this method from my plugin, but I found a workaround: MassSpawnedEntityType.EntityConfig.LoadSynchronous() (essentially does what the function I want to call does, minus caching)