How to replicate this sprinting system over the network?

I have been trying to understand how the replication system works in Unreal Engine for a week now and when I am convinced that I understand it I cannot implement it in the blueprints.
Can anyone tell me how I can deal with this blueprint? Thanks in advance!

I don’t see any replication in your code :slight_smile:

Generally the replication flow of these things is always kinda the same :

  1. Listen for input (only on the controlling client machine, obviously)

  2. Simulate movement on controlling client machine

  3. Send RPC (remote procedure call = replicated function) to server so the server can apply movement as well

  4. Replicate info to other clients so they can apply movement on your character as well

So in your specific case, points 1 and 2 should be ok already. Now you need to tell server to start/stop sprinting, so the server can update desired speed too. And then you need to replicate that to the clients.
Something to that effect :

With ServerSprint replication enabled :

And DesiredSpeed replication enabled :

Yes, in fact, I explained myself incorrectly, what I meant is that I didn’t know where to start to replicate the system on the network, thanks a lot for the answer! As soon as I can I will try to implement it in the blueprint and I will try to take inspiration from it to do it for all the other mechanics, for example if I want to replicate on the network the head tilt used in the Animation Blueprint is it practically the same thing?

Input → Set Client Variable → Server Function → Set Server Variable

Thanks again!