How to replicate Set Actor Rotation

Hi,can someone please help me how can i truly replicate this please

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early for bump but i need it so bump

Servers version of your character is the authority. The character movement component already replicates rotation when applied by the server on its authoritative proxy.

So you just need an event (run on server) that passes the Rot. Server then applies to self. No other replication is needed.

SetRotationServer → Set Actor Rotation…DONE!

From first pic.
Second Event → Top Set Actor Rotation.

It’s not worked i’m sending a video in a second

My Bad it’s been a minute and a long day.

Get player Controller → Set Control Rotation

Don’t have to replicate this at all. You’re simply telling the controller to change its rotation which is normally done with mouse pitch/yaw. It’ll replicate over to the server automagically.

Edit …

If this doesn’t work, then revert back to my previous and then in character class add a switch has authority[remote] to the tick event before “Location”.

I’m seeing the code work on the server. But on client it doesn’t which usually means the server is fighting and overriding the client change… Servers running the same tick functions calls as the client. Thus the need for the switch has auth node.

Hit me back with results.

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Sorry for late response and thank you so much i used set control rotation and it worked,i was trying to fix this for 5 hours lol

do u have a discord i can add you just for nothing i just want you in my friend list

Mainly gamers, but a good handful of UE and Unity devs there.

Woah, this is the solution for most of my games, how does this even work?, it is magic!, I thought the only actions that get automatically replicated were:


is there more ??