How to replicate bUseControllerRotationYaw?

Hi there,

I have a character in my multiplayer game that has the ability to lock their rotation but still control their camera.
I am accomplishing this by setting bUseControllerRotationYaw = false on this player, and this accomplishes what I am expecting on that player’s screen, but for other clients, this player is still rotating their player model when they turn their camera.
How would I go about keeping this player from rotating for everyone else while bUseControllerRotationYaw is set to false?


the problem is that bUseControllerRotationYaw is not replicated
what you need to do to get it to work is get the information to all clients

assuming the functionality is triggerable on a client this entails:
creating a function
UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable)
void Server_SetUseControllerRotationYaw(bool bInUseControllerRotationYaw);

to get the information to the server and

creating a function
UFUNCTION(NetMulticast, Reliable)
void NetMulticast_SetUseControllerRotationYaw(bool bInUseControllerRotationYaw);

to get the information to all clients again