How to render two different "levels" at once for 3D ui viewport

Hi everyone,

I would like to render our characters in 3D in our charactersheet. The character sheet can be accessed when playing so my idea is to pause the gameplay for the “level”, grab the backbuffer and have that set as background so it looks like you simply paused the game. However I would like to stay in the level and render a small viewport with a 3D character in it. Hope it makes sense.

My question is… .where would i start? I know i can make a scenecapture component and render to texture etc. However I am abit confused as how todo this when i want to render a completely different “level” (ie my rotating 3D character) while I am in my gamelevel.

C++ is no problem… .i will go asm if necessary :wink:


I’d start with this tutorial: - YouTube

It should give you enough of a base to customize from there.

@engelmanna I know this post is old, but do you have another good source of information on this topic? I’m trying to do something similar myself, but the video you linked no longer exists it seems.

Appreciate it!

Video not available anymore?

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