How to render an instanced static mesh so that it doesn't affect Scene Depth in a postprocess material?

I have an instanced static mesh, where the instances are simple cubes marking specific locations in the scene (think: waypoints). The material I’m using is a simple emissive material that doesn’t cast shadows and has “Used with instanced static mesh” checked.

I have a SceneCapture2D component which uses a postprocess material that simply grabs the Scene Depth, to generate a depth image.

The problem I have, is that the depth image shows the cubes and I’d like it not to. How can I achieve this? I think I’d like to do something where the cubes are rendered with depth testing ON, but do not actually write to the depth buffer. How can I achieve this?

Thanks in advance!

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If you make the material translucent/transparent, it will not write the depth buffer.
Another option is to use Custom Depth Stencil for the object in question.


Thank you! Changing the material’s Blend Mode from Opaque to Translucent did the trick. I did not try the Custom Depth Stencil option.