How to remove the "Preview" watermark?


I was following one of the UE4 youtube tutorials and everything was fine until I saved my project. After that a “Preview” watermark spamed the project and I can’t even look to the project anymore.

Is there any way to remove this watermark or hide it while working?

Thank you,


Rebuilding your scene should help.

Ups, it worked :slight_smile: im new to UE4

Thank you !

No problems :slight_smile: You can mark this ticket as resolved for tracking purposes.

that is not a solution

I would also like to remove this annoying preview text

rebuild your light or change the it mobility to dynamic


Have a look at your level light source in the content browser , filter search > light source

  • you find light source > directional light type
  • set this from stationary to movable

i don’t know if it will have performance issues as i have a fairly good rig
this makes this watermark go, and i have no lag at all

i hope it solves it for you without any issue, else i would thank you in advance to tell me if you had
any lag issue, very important for the community.

thank you
PS: do come back to say if there is any problem with this solution.


Hi, If you want to remove the preview watermark when you are in the editor view as you are working this can be easily done. Simply click on the Show tab in the viewport - go to Visualize and untick the Preview Shadow Indicator option.


That is the solution, not rebuilding. Of course I would rebuild the scene if only it didn’t take hours and if I didn’t in fact only moved one light and undo back everything, only to get stuck with the stickers.

Works like a charm can’t vote up but this works!

thank you vry much

worked like magic for me too! thanks!

Unfortunately this doesn’t work with PIE. I figured it would if you just want to take a quick preview screenshot without re-building lighting.

He asked how to remove it while working, not how to solve the issue itself.

Thank You So Much. This got REALLY annoying

This is what i needed. Thanks a lot

this is work for me, thanks a lot…

你好,你可以用这个Console命令解决。show PreviewShadowsIndicator

Here comes 3 methods to solve it. the light information;
2.set the light to moveable. PreviewShadowsIndicator 0.