So i have a map that has the time of the day set to 10:00 and i have a bunker that need to be pitch black but fortnite doesn’t allow me to do that. to be more specific i tried using a post process volume but to make the whole place dark i need to remove all lights and that is a big no no since it makes the flashlight and every single source of light useless… i need help please
Hi Zere,
You’ll find that the default Time of Day manager has a Skylight which will boost the brightness of all darkness/shadows.
Try turning on ‘Disable All Time Of Day Managers’ in the World Settings tab, and adding just a directional light (the sun)
Or (With ToD manager still disabled) add an Environment Light Rig and turn the ‘Intensity’ of the Skylight component to zero.
Let me know how that looks!
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