How to remove Blender "useless" bones with "bone" parenting?

So, my problem is “useless” bones created by UE4 when importing FBX from blender to UE4 and setting armature parenting to “bone”.

This is how my test object looks like:
This is how it looks in editor:

And this is really dumb, because if I set parenting to “armature deform” this thing doesn’t happen, there will be only actual bones!

Hi! Maybe the thing is with that export option

Hi, thank you for your response! Unfortunately that’s not the case, I have that box unchecked. For what I can tell, this option just adds extra bone at the end, not every bone to mesh.

Can you share your blender file? Or model?

Yes, I’m really sorry for such a late response! I tried to attach the file by this link, I hope it will help you understand the problem.

Can you tell how you parented meshes to bones in Blender?

Yes, I can - First, i select my mesh in Object Mode with LMB, then I click Shift + RMB on armature. Then, I switch to pose mode and click LMB on the bone I want to parent. Then, I press Ctrl + P and select “Set Parent To [Bone]”. I did it three times with this mesh.

So you are using not skinned mesh but rather Mesh parented to Bones. I think that is the case. You can try to fill Armature Modifier props in Blender

Maybe, but when I try to parent like this, but with Armature Deform everything works fine, except it deforms! I need a way (if possible) to remove those bones from UE4 AND achieve the same non-deform effect on all of the meshes. When I select Armature Deform, my meshes deform really weirdly, and the best way for me is not to deform at all. You said about skinned mesh, what is it and will it help me do effect I described?

That is really interesting case… One thing you can do - create fictive skinned mesh, import skeleton, import meshes separately and after that attach meshes to corresponding bones of fictive skeletal mesh…

Hmm… Maybe that would work, but I have no idea how to do that. Can you attach some sort of guide / explanation for what you’ve described?

Here it is

So you’re talking about attaching every mesh to bone with “Attach To” somewhere in Construction script?

Yeah! But that is acceptable solution only if you have rather small num of bones.

I see. While that would be really difficult to do with large amounts of bones, it IS still an answer to the question which can be approved. Still, is there any way currently known for removing those bones without fictive mesh?

Hi! You wrote that deformation is the main purpose you dont use skinning weights. But if you set skinning weights by hand in Blender you can avoid deformations while having movement and fine skeleton in UE.

Yes, I heard that could make some effect, but I tried a few times and still haven’t got correct result. Do you have any guide for skinning weights and supposed result?

Thank you for this link, I will watch it soon. I’m also really grateful for you taking time with me. After I watch it I’ll respond here!

Hello Spynder, have you resolved your issue? I’m facing the same situation as you and I wanted to know if you found a way to remove those unwanted bones inside. Thank you.