How to register UEdMode?

Title says it.

I can’t find any documentation on it.

void FGridBasedEditor::StartupModule()
	UE_LOG(LogGridBasedEditor, Log, TEXT("Grid Based Editor Logging has Started"));

I can find documentation registering FEdMode but I am using UEdMode. and when i go to register it the EM_ID wont work.
Should I be using FEdMode or UEdMode? I am trying to create a custom editor to edit grid chunks.
Any help appreciated.

So for anyone stumbling on this I found the solution by looking into the “Sample Tools Editor Mode” plugin in the engine by default at least in ue5.3.

You will want to set up your commands and took kit files and then use your commands to register the mode.

void FGridBasedEditor::StartupModule()
	UE_LOG(LogGridBasedEditor, Log, TEXT("Grid Based Editor Logging has Started"));
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