How i can reference an Static Mesh Component from my widget, i want to make it hidden when i hover to button, so why does not it work? I gave my meshes tags and when i try to hover to button it oututs error.
Please take a screenshot of the details panel of you actor as well.
You are calling Get all Actor with tag.
Notice that it’s referring to actors and not components.
You need to set the actor tag field.
If you want to gather components inside of an actor then you need to use “Get Components by tag” and as the target pass in the parent actor.
But i have tag in the actor and in the component, i can’t find “Get components by tag”, i have only for actors.
Because you can only get components by tag from an actor (it needs it’s target pin to be connected to an actor). You can get it either from an actor out pin or by turning off context sensitive (right top corner of context menu).
Okey, but what do i need to use as target?
In your case you need to narrow down the actor to a tag and if you need a component from inside if it, then pass in the component tag.
Though I do not understand why you need a specific component in the case of a static mesh in the world?
You need to just set the actor tag (in the most outer component of the static mesh) instead of component tag and it will be found by the blueprint in your first post.
Yeah, i do not need component, i need to just make my actor hidden form widget bp, as you say i need to set the actor tag, but i already did it and it dies not work, in my screen shot i am showing the tag on actor, not on component, or i am missing somthing?
Ahhhh i see, i made component tag, but how can i do actor tag then?
Yeah, i found it, let me try it
It should work “out of the box”. Double check if you have and spaces before and after the tag you entered (sometimes copy & paste errors are our worse enemies).
Make sure the actor tag is exactly the one that is in the Get Actors of Class with Tag.
Yeah, it works, thank you a lot, i am new to ue so i am just learning, sorry for wasting your time!
No problem, everyone has to take their first steps. It gets easier with time. Best of luck on your project.
Thank you, by the way, do you know how i can make transformation to static components, i am currently working on main menu and i want it to be a little more interractive, so i want my actor to fold when i am hovering it. This actors are wallpaper behind my menu widget and i need to make them fold then i hover my mouse, i don’t ask you to make it fully, i am just asking if you know how to possibly i can do it?
You would probably need to describe in more detail how you would like the folding to look.
Do you mean like crumpled paper or maybe like old clock
Would the menu sections fold with the wallpaper behind them, or just “Play” for instance.
If they were to fold in half then the would need to be on 3d planes in world space and have geometry to support this folding. This could either be done through vertex animation or skeletal meshes.
Or you could go the route of 2 static meshes and animate the rotation of one of them to fold on the other.
Like i want it to stay on the wall, but top right corner to unstick and use physics, like a cloth
Like this
cloth simulation only works on skeletal meshes & can be unpredictable.
The cheapest way to get ok results would be to have 2 versions of the mesh.
- one in it’s unfolded state
- second in it’s folded state
and go in-between them with a morph target.