How to reduce size of UE4Game 620 Mb

Hi, all,

I have compiled UE4.10 from git(A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums).
System: Kubuntu 14.04 LTS. Installation - Exellent,
But: UE4Game is 620 Mb size? Mmm…

Ok. Next:

Cooking On Linux Using UnrealFrontend(Project Prop: Pack Cooking Content - Marked):

LinuxNoEditor + Development + OnFly

Blueprint Empty project without starter content - 620 Mb binary.

Blueprint Empty project with starter content - the same 620 Mb bynary.

Cooking On Linux Using Command Line(Project Prop: Pack Cooking Content - Marked):

Engine/Build/BatchFiles/ BuildCookRun -nocompile -nop4 -project=“/absolute/path/to/your/MyProject/MyProject.uproject” -cook -compressed -allmaps -stage -archive -archivedirectory=“/absolute/path/to/output/folder/” -package -LinuxNoEditor -clientconfig=Development -ue4exe=UE4Editor -clean -pak -targetplatform=Linux -utf8output

(I will be appreciate if someone will give a link on detailed explanation of them)

Blueprint Empty project without starter content - 620 Mb binary.

Blueprint Empty project with starter content - the same 620 Mb bynary.

Cooking On Linux Using Editor(Project Prop: Pack Cooking Content - Marked):

Blueprint Empty project without starter content - 620 Mb binary.

Blueprint Empty project with starter content - the same 620 Mb bynary.

So, how to reduce size of UE4Game, because game binary is just renamed UE4Game, or maybe I can make only C++ project with adequate binary size or nothing can be done and this is UE4 linux native reality?

Any suggestions, explanations, links? :))

You can strip it (be aware of effect on debugging and callstacks though).

Thank you for your advise, as i have understood, we use Linux(UNIX) tool,
as a result:

strip –strip-all MyProject_binary

Size: was - 620, now - 98 Mb.

strip –strip-unneeded MyProject_binary

Size: was - 620, now - 98 Mb.

(man strip + man readelf + man nm)

And yes, we takes all the risks with unstable behaviour of the binary.

Do we have any other ways?
(Maybe Unreal Engine or project compilation(cooking, packing) commands)

Anyway again - thank you.