The triplanar mapping is pretty sweet! Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me.
I want to find a way to make the texture cocentric to the part. I know I can offset the texture but I would have to create a new material for each object (I have this problem on 20+ objects).
the problem comes from the uv map that is of-centered
I’m trying to re-map the uv map of a mesh inside UE4. Is there any tool or plugin to do that?
My object is an Invetor assembly converted to FBX with Showcase.
Showcase create automatic UVmaps that I can’t change.
My goal is to avoid passing though blender because I loose the origines of the parts inside the assembly.
Any hint or help would be most welcomed!
June 28, 2017, 9:46am
You cannot do that inside UE4 to a full extent and probably won’t not be able to avoid doing that in your content creation package.
June 28, 2017, 9:52am
You could use procedural mapping. Like Triplanar one.
Or you could go hard way and use Procedural mesh .
We could not.
The page is gone.
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February 25, 2022, 5:19pm
As usual, dead links abound