Hello, so i was just wondering how i can make a simple ray cast within UE4 say for like weapons or AI? also some examples would be great! i seen a few other posts but the answers weren’t very clear so i was hoping to get some clarity with this
You have a lot of that in GWorld:
- LineTraceTest - Trace a ray against the world using a specific channel and return if a blocking hit is found.
- LineTraceSingle - Trace a ray against the world using a specific channel and return the first blocking hit.
- LineTraceMulti - Trace a ray against the world using a specific channel and return overlapping hits and then first blocking hit. Results are sorted, so a blocking hit (if found) will be the last element of the array. Only the single closest blocking result will be generated, no tests will be done after that.
For example in Unreal Tournament, trace channels are defined in UnrealTournament.h.
#define COLLISION_PROJECTILE ECC_GameTraceChannel1
#define COLLISION_TRACE_WEAPON ECC_GameTraceChannel2
And then used from many places such as: UTGameplayStatics::ComponentIsVisibleFrom(…).
FCollisionQueryParams LineParams(FName(TEXT("ComponentIsVisibleFrom")), true, IgnoredActor);
bool const bHadBlockingHit = World->LineTraceSingle(OutHitResult, TraceStart, TraceEnd, COLLISION_TRACE_WEAPON, LineParams);
Where TraceStart and TraceEnd are vectors, OutHitResult is an out parameter that have result of your hit test.
hey thanks that was really helpful! so somthing like this would work?
#define COLLISION_TRACE ECC_GameTraceChannel1
FHistResult Hit;//the thing that is an output of the statement
FCollisionQueryParams Line(FName("Collision param"),true);
World->LineTraceSingle(Hit, this->Location /*cant remember the actual name for the variable :/ */, this->RelativeLocation.X += 100,COLLISION_TRACE,Line);
AEnemy* enemy = Cast<AEnemy>(Hit.GetActor());
Looks fine, remember to set channels properly:
thank you very much for your help really appreciate it
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