You could use line tracing (ray tracing)
and you can make these visible during game play, this would be a simple solution, but intended for not visible during game play.
otherwise, I would use a static mesh, and put an emissive material on it, and use collision as another kind of short cut.
I’m hoping I can project a line from one location onto the world and actors. Like a laser line would do in real life.
Is there a way to do this with a dynamic light or some kind of projection?
The best I know of is multiple ray casts and drawing debug lines between them. But a projection would be much cleaner looking.
Any further insight would be very welcome. C++ and blueprints are all welcome. I’ll take whatever I can get. Also, it has to be dynamic, updating every frame.
If you mean something like laser level, you can certainly do that.
You need to define a coordinate, where two basis vectors lie on the same plane, as the line, and the third would be perpendicular to them.
Then in materials, which you want to project the line on, you would transform world position into your coordinate system, and check if third coordinate is close to zero.
Yes, like a laser level. Thank you, I will look into this.