How to print on screen the transform of an actor?

I have a variable FTransform NewPosition. I want to print its location and rotation on screen. I saw this link: Beginner how to Print Variable to Screen Question but it doesn’t tell me how to do it specifically for transforms. Here is an attempt:

GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, 
	FString::Printf(TEXT("Position: x= %f , y= %f , z= %f , Orientation: tilt= %f , pan= %f , yaw= %f"), NewPosition));


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Hi xianthryllis,

You can use the “ToString()” method in FTransform:

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I’m sorry, I may need it to be more specific. Here is the attempt again:

GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, 

The I get is on TEXT which says: name followed by “::” must be a class or namespace name

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rather than

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I get the following error:


You don’t need to wrap it in the “TEXT() or Printf” - try with just “NewPostion->ToString()” rather than “FString::Printf(TEXT(NewPostion->ToString()))”.

The “FString::Printf()” is for when you need to pass in parameters individually - but the “ToString()” creates a full string with all the values already passed in…

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Thank you. I think I’m getting close enough to the solution. I only have this error now:

Ah yes - close :slight_smile: instead of the “->” (which is for “pointers”), use “.” (for references)

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Thank you very much!!

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