How to prevent screen space UI elements from moving with the player?

  • widget components in Screen Space are z-sorted automatically and follow their actors:

But since it’s screen space, they render on top of any geometry.

  • they’re also z-sorted in World Space mode, ofc:

But the quads they render on do not rotate to face the camera. There’s a couple of ways to make this happen, ofc.

You can also disable occlusion:

I tried that, but had issues getting it to display on top of everything properly; maybe I’m missing a setting somewhere to fix that? Screen space just follows my screen as I move.

Perhaps you could demo the undesired behaviour and produce and example of how you’d like to them to behave?

If you did not want to use a widget component, the actor can shift them around with something similar to this pseduoscript:

This would need to be done every frame and can be written better, ofc.