Hi, I’m working on an editor tool to generate grids, and I’m saving the data for them as data assets. If the save name specified does not exist, I’ve set it up to create the file for them and save to it, however Unreal gives me the following warning whenever I compile this blueprint, or any blueprint that references it:
“Input ‘/Game/Testing/Editor/Grid/SavedGrids/’ ends with a ‘/’, which is invalid for LongPackageNames.”
It’s not preventing the save function from working, it’s just getting very annoying. As you can see in the provided screenshot, the package path I provided very clearly does not end in a /, so I have no idea where Unreal is getting this from.
There’s no text hidden behind the fold, what I typed definitely does not end in a /. I did find this post about a similar problem, but they solved it by formatting their path the way I have mine, so I wasn’t able to find a solution there.
Any help with this issue would be much appreciated, thank you!