How to possess pawn but keep camera on previous possessed pawn? AutoManageActiveCameraTarget(false) on PlayerController does not resolve issue.

I have AutoManageActiveCameraTarget on PlayerController set to false and default pawn is the default FPSCharacter that spawns in at playerstart; the camera kept going to what appears to be the FPSChar root instead of the camera component position.

I attempted to make a ViewTargetWithBlend on the FPSChar at begin play, but the camera component reference appears to not be compatible with the New View Target pin.

I just made a reference to self, now it appears to be working.

The Problem:
The reason I am attempting this to begin with is to possess a vehicle and make use of the conveniences of the pawn, but continue using the camera on the FPSChar as it pilots the vehicle and continue using the char animations for the head while looking around. Apparently someone else tried to do this as well, but with a horse and rider. I am also in the position where I do not want to leave the FPSCharacter’s view when possessing the new pawn, even for a visable moment. Is it possible to stop this camera change during possess?

hey did u find solution ?