How to point UI through finger using Leap Motion Plugins

Hello Everyone:
I have put Leap Motion Plugins into my object, but I don’t known how to grab the objects in the scene and how to point UI through finger.
Anyone know how to do it?

You need begin with more basic tutorials if you are asking how to grab objects.

Attach to socket , Physic Handle are few of the terms.

OH,Thanks very much! And do you known how to click the 3D UI in the sence using finger.


I’m not sure it is doable yet, as UMG is still in an experimental phase. I have been searching the same because i’m using Razer hydra and Oculus Rift, and cursor simply becomes useless in VR.
When overlap and trace interaction will be available (or at least explained) with UMG, you may try to put some spheres on the finger tips to serve as interactive trigger.

Thank you very much, your method is feasible.And I find another method:
Tish method also OK,you can try!