How to play a synchronized video in Multiplayer Lobby?

Hi, I created a Lobby where I wait for others to log In , my lobby has a giant screen, like a cinema, where I want to play a video , and I want that video to be visible by all my clients.

The Server is also a player, and has a unique widget that can Play n’ Pause the video.

Server side works great, but client side the texture on the screen doesn’t update and it remain at the first second of the video (black screen)

I’m using the media player with an mp4 located inside the content, the client recognize the URL , and even the function Play give me a “True” but it doens’t play anything…

I’m not so good with Multiplayer, it’s my first project, and i can’t find anything on internet…

Thanks anyway

You’ll need to replicate the state of the video player to the clients from the server. Here’s a good breakdown: 1.4 - Variable Replication [RepNotify] | Unreal Engine Documentation

It will allow you to sync the state of the player between server and clients, and get a function called on the clients whenever the server changes the state.

Thanks a lot , It works!
I need to better understand when to use those RepNotify , but I have an idea now.

I am new in media players in ue5 and I don’t know how and what to replicate to make media player working in multiplayer sessions. will you show me an example? thanks.

the video plays correctly in server and client. but at the client we do not have voice. so when I set the media player for media sound at the end of OnRep_bIsPlaying, playing the voice stops at the server and starts at the client. I am not sure how can I fix it.