Hi everyone,
I have the same problem as I quote below:
I don’t know how to explain my problem, but I’ll explain what I have and what I want:
I’ve just made a project with 10 items, I package my project and have the release executable. (779MB) Then I add 10 more items to the project, create a Patch and add it into the packs folder in order to have the update (the pack file generated is 348MB)
But when I try to add a new set of 10 items to generate a second package, the new file again is 389MB.
I would like to generate a third package just with the difference between second and trhir packs (389-348) = 41 MB, that is the size of the new items.
Can you help me with some suggestions? I have already read Updating Unreal Engine Projects With Patches After Release | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation but I’m not engineer and can’t figure this out how to solve what I’m asking.